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At SportsCool Cheshire we are always happy to listen, so feel free to call us on 07450520612. Our staff are trained to attain your comments and pass them on to the correct department and/or management level if appropriate. Complaints are responded to between 24 and 36 hours.
Our complaints process
SportsCool Cheshire will investigate in accordance whilst ensuring welfare of the children is safeguarded and promoted.
SportsCool Cheshire will record in writing a full record of the complaint, including additional information and how the complaints have been handled and by who.
If necessary, it will be investigated and a verbal or written report will be returned to the complainant.
If the response is not satisfactory, the complainant will be asked to put the complaint in writing
Further consideration will be given and a written response, including investigation findings and action taken.
If another agency, such as the police or Ofsted, we will consult with them on how to proceed and inform the complainant of progress. A written record of complaints will be kept and is available upon request.
Ofsted can be contacted by telephone on 0300 123 1231 or in writing at The National Business Unit, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD.