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Electronic Devices Policy
At SportsCool Cheshire, it is our intention to provide an environment in which children, carers and staff are safe from images being recorded and inappropriately used, in turn eliminating the following concerns:
Staff being distracted from their work with children.
The inappropriate use of smart devices and cameras around children.
The inappropriate use of images of staff or children.
1.Smart Devices Office Staff:
Support Office Staff may need to use their work smart devices in order to carry out their role effectively. Some reasons may be to:
Scan documents.
Take photos of activities and children with photo permission for marketing purposes or to share best practice.
Take images of site areas for risk assessments
Take Staff photos for name badges.
Support Office Staff may also need to be contactable by other locations when visiting. If Support Office Staff need to make or receive a call during club time, they must remove themselves from the children and parents before making or taking a call.
Support Office staff must keep their calendar up to date, so other members of the team know where they are if needed.
2.Cameras and Club Ipad:
Photographs taken for the purpose of recording a child or group of children participating in activities or celebrating their achievements is an effective form for recording their progression in the Early Years Foundation Stage, sharing with carers and for training / observational purposes. However, it is essential that photographs are taken and stored appropriately to safeguard the children in our care.
Only the designated setting ipad/tablet/camera/phone is to be used to take any photos within the setting.
Images taken on this device must be deemed suitable without putting the children in any compromising positions that could cause embarrassment or distress.
All staff are responsible for the location of this device.
SportsCool Cheshire colleagues must not send photos of children taken on work devices to their own personal devices.
On occasions the marketing team may visit a setting to take promotional videos or photographs using SportsCool Cheshire approved devices. Failure to adhere to the contents of this policy will lead to disciplinary procedures being followed.
4.All Staff:
If any staff member has a family emergency or similar and is required to keep their mobile phone to hand, prior permission must be sought from the Club Manager.
All SportsCool Cheshire Staff and visitors will be requested to place their bag containing their phone in an appropriate location and asked to take or receive any calls away from the children where their phone must remain.
It is the responsibility of all staff to be vigilant and report any concerns to the Club Manager or the SportsCool Cheshire Head Office. Concerns will be taken seriously, logged and investigated appropriately.
SportsCool Cheshire reserves the right to check the image contents of a staff member's phones/smart devices should there be any cause for concern over the appropriate use of it.
Any colleague found to be using their mobile phone/smart device without permission will automatically receive a written warning.
Should inappropriate material be found then the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) will be contacted immediately. We will follow the guidance of the LADO as to the appropriate action that needs to be taken.
5.Smart Devices Carers:
When carers drop off or collect their children they must have their smartphones/devices stored away in a bag or pocket. If their smartphones/devices are visible, then SportsCool Cheshire staff must notify the carer and ask them to put the device away out of sight.
6.Children's use:
Children who bring mobile phones or electronic devices into a SportsCool Cheshire setting will have these removed, stored securely and returned to their carers at the end of the session.