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What is the Holidays and Activities Programme and who is eligible?

The HAF Programme is for children who are: 

On benefits tested free school meals and can confirm this via the local authority of the school.

Infant pupils who receive a free meal under Universal Infant Free School Meals must also be eligible for benefits-related FSM to be able to access a place on the HAF programme.

Must be between reception and year 6 primary school age
Other eligibility can include:

children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at-risk, or vulnerable.

young carers

looked-after children or previously looked after children
children with an EHC (education, health, and care) plan.

children who have low attendance rates at school or who are at risk of exclusion.


children living in areas of high deprivation or from low-income households who are not in receipt of free school meals.

children in transition phases between nursery and primary school or primary and secondary school.

The provision offers:
4 days a week during:
Christmas holidays (1 week)
Summer holidays (4 weeks)
Easter holidays (2 weeks)

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