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Inclement Weather Policy
SportsCool Cheshire runs activities in all types of weather, unless there is a risk of danger. Parents should ensure that their child attends the camp with suitable warm/wet-weather clothing. If a parent or guardian does not want their children to participate in cold/wet weather, the child should be collected before the after school club starts.
SportsCool Cheshire must adhere to the decision of the school in which the club is operating during after school clubs. If the school requests a club be cancelled, SportsCool Cheshire will follow the school guidance.
In the event of light snow or heavy rain, clubs and camps will go ahead as normal. Parents should ensure that they provide their children with appropriate warm/wet weather clothing for clubs. If a parent does not want their child to play in light snow or heavy rain, the child should be collected from the school before the club starts.
During a holiday camp, we will make every effort to remain open whenever possible. The decision to close a camp will be made by the Head Coach of SportsCool Cheshire. The camp will only be closed if one or more of the following conditions apply:
There is insufficient staff able to come in to keep the camp operating safely.
The conditions on site are dangerous and we cannot ensure the safety of children and staff.
Conditions are considered to be or are anticipated to later become too hazardous to travel.
In extreme weather camps will be closed.
If there is adverse weather during a camp day the Head Coach of SportsCool Cheshire will decide whether it is necessary to close the camp. We will contact parents and ask that they pick their child/children up from camp as soon as possible.
When camp closure is a possibility parents will be notified by email / phone call/ text and should be checked in the advent of adverse weather conditions.
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