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SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy
The following document is to be read, understood, and signed by all employees. It is to be kept on Human Resource Personnel file. Some employees may be working under the Total Dance brand which is a brand of SportsCool Cheshire; this Policy refers directly to those employees also.
1. Safeguarding Standards
SportsCool Cheshire takes Safeguarding and Child Protection very seriously. As a business that promotes physical and mental wellbeing through Sport, it is important that Safeguarding is current throughout SportsCool Cheshire at every level of the business. Throughout the Safeguarding Standards the term ‘child or young person’ (hereafter referred to as ‘child’), applies to a person less than 18 years of age. The term ‘vulnerable adult’ applies to any adult to whom an activity is regulated relating to vulnerable adults as defined in the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. All Employees are expected to understand and act out the Safeguarding procedures throughout their job roles. This includes the transfer of information to all staff and trainee/assistant coaches. SportsCool Cheshire may update their Safeguarding policies and procedures and communicate this to SportsCool Cheshire Employees at any time. It is expected that Employees will act upon this information with immediate effect in order to ensure the well-being of all SportsCool Cheshire customers.
The Safeguarding Standards that are laid out by SportsCool Cheshire have been produced in line with the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit which was established to work with sports organizations to provide support and advice on developing child protection policies and procedures in order to help them safeguard children and young people. These standards provide a framework for all those involved in sport to help them create a safe sporting environment for children and young people whilst protecting them from harm.
The SportsCool Cheshire Standards have been developed in order to help safeguard and protect children and vulnerable young people in sport.
1.1 The Principles of the SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy
The Principles of the SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy are that:
• Children and young people have a right to enjoy sport, free from all forms of abuse and exploitation.
• All children and young people have equal rights to protection from harm. • All children and young people should be encouraged to fulfill their potential and inequalities should be challenged.
• Everybody has a responsibility to support the care and protection of children and vulnerable young adults.
• SportsCool Cheshire have a duty of care to children and young people who take part in sport. • SportsCool Cheshire promotes the concept of a well-balanced lifestyle for performers, both within and outside of SportsCool Cheshire activities.
What Should Staff/Volunteers for SportsCool Cheshire Do If They Have Concerns About A Child or Young Person?
Staff who are concerned about a child’s welfare or who believe that a child is or may be at risk of abuse should pass any information to the Lead Safeguarding Office (LSO) of SportsCool Cheshire; this should always occur as soon as possible and certainly within 24 hours. In the case that a referral is made the LSO will deal with the appropriate agencies and clients in order to ensure that the concern is followed up. All paperwork will remain on file for a period of 5 years.
The designated Lead Safeguarding Office is Rosie Barnes
The backup option is Stephen Barnes.
1.2 The Standards of the SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy
The Standards that SportsCool Cheshire has in place in order to support our Principle are:
1. SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy
2. SportsCool Cheshire Procedure and Systems
1.2.1 SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy
SportsCool Cheshire is a sports company that promotes mental and physical well-being through our various product ranges. We work predominantly with young children and young adults from a variety of backgrounds to develop individuals and communities through structured, safe, and developmental Sport Sessions. SportsCool Cheshire is a fully inclusive organization that seeks to work with individuals to stretch and challenge them according to their personal skill and knowledge levels. All SportsCool Cheshire sessions are fully differentiated in order to ensure maximum participation
for the widest range of people. We believe Sport can allow individuals and groups the freedom to express themselves whilst benefitting from:
• Improved fitness
• Increased social mobility
• Being a part of a team
• Developing individuality
• Freedom of expression
• Improved mental well-being
It is therefore vitally important that Safeguarding is at the heart of the SportsCool Cheshire operations. Any child or vulnerable young adult that is within the care of a SportsCool Cheshire Franchisee or Employee is to be respected as an individual, given every opportunity to be included, given every opportunity to develop and learn, and, enjoy Sport in a safe and secure environment. All SportsCool Cheshire Franchisees and Employees will be subjected to a full DBS check as outlined in the SportsCool Cheshire Franchise Manual. Further to this all SportsCool Cheshire Employees will be expected to complete a full SportsCool Cheshire induction, which cover our policies, procedures, codes and systems. It is the responsibility of SportsCool Cheshire to ensure all new Employees are fully inducted before the commencement of work with SportsCool Cheshire. All new Employees should sign a Safeguarding Policy Agreement to show they have been taught, and understand, the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures of SportsCool Cheshire. All instructors will be asked to work towards further safeguarding training such as, but not limited to, Sports Coach UK, Safeguarding and Protecting Children: a Guide for Sportspeople, and other recognised courses. For assistance on finding recognised courses all Employees can communicate with the Lead Safeguarding Officer.
The SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Standards apply to all children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with the business. This includes, but is not limited to, customers and employees such as Assistant Sport Instructors. The Procedures and Systems that have been put in place are designed to quickly and effectively deal with any occurrences that might arise within, or outside of, a SportsCool Cheshire session that could indicate intent of, or directly cause harm to a child or vulnerable young adult.
Safeguarding training and updated safeguarding information will be disseminated to SportsCool Cheshire Employees on a regular basis in order to align our practices with current or changing legislation. It is the role of the Employee to ensure that all staff, paid or voluntary, receive, understand and adhere to such policies and procedures. SportsCool Cheshire may also spot-check such procedures. The
SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy has a direct impact on the SportsCool Cheshire Policies and Procedures which are constructed to ensure that our Policy is realized.
All staff who are recruited by SportsCool Cheshire will be required to hold and carry a DBS/CRB check, a Disqualification Declaration and provide the appropriate Right to Work in the UK evidence. This will be kept in individual HR files and stored on ‘DBS List’ which will be shared with all schools that SportsCool Cheshire operates.
2. Safeguarding within sessions
2.1 SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Procedure and Systems
The Employees and Staff of SportsCool Cheshire have a crucial role to play in our Safeguarding Procedure and Systems. All Employees, SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers should be DBS checked as outlined above. All Employees recruited by SportsCool Cheshire should have two valid references. SportsCool Cheshire expects that its Employees and Staff act as a role models for all SportsCool Cheshire customers in the following ways:
• The use of SportsCool Cheshire’s Rewarding Positive Behaviour System.
• SportsCool Cheshire Instructors should always project a professional appearance wearing the appropriate kit for the session or genre of Sport.
• Jewellery should be removed or covered with a plaster or tape.
• Portray and discuss a healthy lifestyle including the importance of good eating and sleeping habits.
• Communicate the value of strong social, team and leader skills to children. • It is important for SportsCool Cheshire Instructors to use the appropriate Language. Sometimes it is not what is said but how it is said which may cause issues, using positive, motivational language and tones is important.
• Always discourage smoking and alcohol use being sure to never expose children to your own habits including being under the influence, REMEMBER it takes up to 12 hours for alcohol to leave your system so this can mean the evening before a coaching session. • Take a firm, zero-tolerance stance on drugs.
It is a SportsCool Cheshire Employee’s duty to ensure that all learners experience the Principles of the SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Policy outlined above and below, these are:
• Children and young people have a right to enjoy sport, free from all forms of abuse and exploitation.
• All children and young people have equal rights to protection from harm. • All children and young people should be encouraged to fulfill their potential and inequalities should be challenged.
• Everybody has a responsibility to support the care and protection of children and vulnerable young adults.
• SportsCool Cheshire have a duty of care to children and young people who take part in sport. • SportsCool Cheshire promotes the concept of a well-balanced lifestyle for performers, both within and outside of SportsCool Cheshire activities.
SportsCool Cheshire Franchisees and Employees must build up professional working relationships with all customers of SportsCool Cheshire; these relationships should be based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect. SportsCool Cheshire Franchisees and Employees must always consider their own behaviour and ensure it does not constitute any form of abuse. They should also promote the welfare and best interests of their performers, even if that means allowing another professional to take over. As a SportsCool Cheshire instructor it is expected that any concern regarding the behavior of others towards a child or vulnerable young adult should result in action being taken. Examples of when concerns may arise include:
• Abuse or harm is disclosed by any individual: a child, vulnerable adult, student, staff member, or other person. Different types of abuse include:
o Physical Abuse
o Sexual Abuse
o Psychological Abuse
o Financial/ Material Abuse
o Neglect
o Discriminatory
o Bullying
• There are observable changes in the behavior of an individual that may be related to abuse.
• The behaviour of an adult towards a child or vulnerable adult causes concern or there is a concern that an adult is harming a child or vulnerable adult.
• Awareness that someone is/has looked at/searched for child pornography and/or literature.
SportsCool Cheshire Employees are to empower performers to be responsible for their own decisions, allowing them to develop as individuals and groups. It is important that options of learning styles are given to performers. SportsCool Cheshire performers’ best interests must be prominent when we communicate with other organizations, individuals and stakeholders of the business. This includes absolute confidentiality on all matters relating to the individual.
All SportsCool Cheshire staff should inform children, parents and carers that, in some sports, it will be essential for the coach to manually support the child in order for them to perform a technique safely. You should outline the nature of the support and any further actions that may be necessary of the child needs additional help to perform the technique safely. This can be included in any session plans that you produce. Where possible peers should be used to support each other keeping coach support to a minimum; however safety is the ultimate concern in such a situation.
2.2 Practical Guidelines
It is the policy of SportsCool Cheshire to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from all forms of abuse including physical, emotional and sexual harm. This organization is committed to creating a safe environment in which young people can feel comfortable and secure while engaged in any of SportsCool Cheshire’s sports coaching programs, training events or workshops. Personnel should at all times show respect and understanding for individual’s rights, safety and welfare, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the ethos and principles of SportsCool Cheshire.
SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers should be committed to:
• Treating children and young people with respect and dignity understanding their rights as an individual.
• Always listening to what a child or young person is saying valuing their ideas and opinions.
• Recognising the unique contribution each individual can make to our sessions • Encouraging and praising each child or young person inspiring them to fulfill their potential.
SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers should:
• Provide an example, which we would wish others to follow, being a role model for our learners, professional in our approach and polite and courteous as a SportsCool CheshireCoach. • Use positive role-modelling by rewarding good behavior in line with our Mission Statement. Profile good behavior to the group to show them expected levels of behavior without any negative connotations.
• Use appropriate language with children and young people and challenge any inappropriate language used by a young person or child or an adult working with young people.
• Respect a young person’s right to privacy.
• Deal directly with any instances of bullying or harassment whether mental, material or physical from peers or others outside of their peer group.
SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers should;
• Not spend time alone with children, away from others. In the unlikely event of finding yourself with an individual child or young person make every effort to keep this meeting as open as possible. This includes leaving doors open and communicating from doorways where necessary.
• If privacy is needed, ensure that other staff is within eyesight of the meeting. • In the instance where learners are to be changed for Physical Education sessions; Learners should be given a designated changing space within a hall. SportsCool Cheshire employees should verbally assist learners in getting changed. Where learners are unable to get changed alone peers should assist.
SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers should never:
• Without necessary reason, such as safety or First Aid requirements, touch, allow or maintain physical contact with a child or young person.
• Engage in sexually provocative or rough physical games, including dance routines and horseplay.
• Do things of a personal nature for a child or a young person that they can do for themselves. If such an incident arises, for example, where a child or young person has limited mobility, SportsCool Cheshire Employees should seek a member of school staff or fellow SportsCool Cheshire Employee to deal with such an incident.
SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers should:
• Always use a group profile or register in order to understand the group that they are teaching and differentiate their sessions accordingly.
• Always use a group profile or register in order to account for learners within your session. • Manage a coaching environment in order that it is safe, clear of obstacles and the risk of injury is minimised via the use of SportsCool Cheshire Risk Assessments.
• Refer to the SportsCool Cheshire Health and Safety Policy when setting up sessions including familiarisation with Fire Drills, Risk Assessments and other Health and Safety Executive procedures.
• Ensure that the designated person as stated collects each and every child on the register. Feedback to the Parent or Guardian using positive re-enforcement of any behavior and participation.
• Never take imagery or video of children without consent from Parents or Guardians. • Never use mobile phones in the presence of children.
• Be aware that someone might misinterpret our actions no matter how well-intentioned • Never draw any conclusions about others without checking for factual information. • Never allow ourselves to be drawn into inappropriate attention-seeking situations such as tantrums or crushes.
• Never exaggerate or trivialize child abuse issues or make suggestive remarks or gestures about, or to a child or young person, even in fun.
SportsCool Cheshire employees and volunteers:
• who are involved in relationships with other SportsCool Cheshire Employees or volunteers should ensure that their personal relationships do not affect their role within SportsCool Cheshire or the work of the organisation.
3. External Safeguarding Concerns
What Should Staff/Volunteers for SportsCool Cheshire Do If They Have Concerns About A Child or Young Person?
Education professionals who are concerned about a child’s welfare or who believe that a child is or may be at risk of abuse should pass any information to the Lead Safeguarding Office (LSO) of SportsCool Cheshire; this should always occur as soon as possible and certainly within 24 hours.
The designated Lead Safeguarding Office is Rosie Barnes
The backup option is Stephen Barnes.
3.1 Disclosure Procedures
In the case that a SportsCool Cheshire Employee is approached by a child, young person, or vulnerable adult, with a disclosure that they are being, or have been harmed or abused, or you are informed of such a disclosure by a staff member, learner, or member of the public, remember the “4 R’s” : RECEIVE, REASSURE, RESPOND, RECORD
• Stay calm.
• Provide a listening ear and an open mind.
• Be reassuring, particularly that the individual is doing the right thing by telling you. Record the information you are provided and report as quickly as possible to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. This information may need to be passed to the person responsible for taking further steps and should include a record of the time, date, and persons present.
• Promise to keep the information secret. Make it clear that you have a duty to refer the matter.
• Stop the individual who is freely recalling significant events.
• Make the individual tell anyone else. They may have to be formally interviewed later and it is important to minimize the number of times information is repeated. • Make any suggestions to the individual about how the incident may have happened. • Question the individual, except to clarify what they are saying.
• Discuss the information with anyone other than the Lead Safeguarding Officer or an appropriate external agency.
If you are concerned that a child, young person, or vulnerable adult is, or may be subject to, abuse or harm:
• Refer to the definitions and examples of harm outlined above.
• Carefully make a written, dated note of observations.
• Inform the Lead Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible, who will, within the appropriate timeframe, either make inquiries without raising the question of abuse and evaluate the matter and/or make a referral to the appropriate external authority or internal processes as applicable.
3.2 Observation Procedures
The following outlines the steps you should take if you are concerned that the behavior of an Employee, parent, learner, or other person connected with SportsCool Cheshire, is threatening, or potentially threatening, the well-being of a child, or young person, or vulnerable adult.
• If you are concerned that a member of staff of SportsCool Cheshire is harming or abusing a child or vulnerable adult, you must report your concerns immediately to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. Where it is appropriate to do so, relevant Human Resources procedures may be initiated and/or a referral made to an external agency.
• If you are concerned that an adult connected with SportsCool Cheshire is harming or abusing a child or vulnerable adult, you must report your concerns immediately to the Lead Safeguarding Officer. Where it is appropriate to do so, an external referral may be made to the relevant agency.
• If you suspect any other person not related to SportsCool Cheshire is harming or abusing a child or vulnerable adult, you may contact the Lead Safeguarding Officer. However, you can contact the Police, Children’s Services or Social Services as relevant to the age of the individual considered at risk.
In all situations, you may be asked to provide an outline of your concerns in writing. If the matter is referred to the Children’s Service, Social Services or the Police, you may be asked to provide a formal statement of your concerns for subsequent external investigations.
NB: In any circumstances, if you have concerns but are unable to contact the Lead Safeguarding Officer, do not hesitate to contact the Police, Children’s Services or Social Services. These external agencies will be in a position to determine an appropriate course of action.
3.3 Allegation or Complaint Procedures
If you are the subject of a complaint or allegation that you harmed a child or vulnerable adult:
• Employees may be suspended, without prejudice, pending the outcome of any investigations. The decision whether to suspend the Employee Contract is not automatic and rests with the Lead Safeguarding Officer. Reports from Human Resources, the relevant Safeguarding Officer within the customer business, and/or the Employee, may be taken into consideration.
• You will be informed of the allegation and the procedures to be applied to investigate, either internally, in accordance with the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures and Franchise Manual and Agreement, or externally via the Police, Social Services or the relevant Children’s Services.
• You will be entitled to seek information regarding appropriate support mechanisms available to you.
If you are approached by an external agency in relation to an investigation involving a Franchisee or Employee:
• Refer the agency to the Lead Safeguarding Officer, who will determine whether the requested information can be disclosed with or without consent.
3.4 External Agency Procedures
On receipt of an allegation or concern regarding potential significant harm, the matter should be referred to the Lead Safeguarding Officer, who will liaise with the Children’s Service, Social Services, and/or the Police for investigation as appropriate. Where concerns relate to a member of staff or learner of SportsCool Cheshire, the relevant internal procedure, may be initiated should there be a requirement to suspend the person concerned, without prejudice, pending the outcome of any external investigations.
3.5 Internal Procedures
Should it be determined, following initial assessment by the Lead Safeguarding Officer, in consultation with the relevant external agency where appropriate, that there is not significant risk of harm to the young person, then SportsCool Cheshire will initiate Staff Disciplinary Proceedings in line with company Human Resource Procedures.
An employee subject to an allegation is entitled to seek information regarding support, advice, and guidance. Further details can be obtained from the Lead Safeguarding Officer.
4. Procedure for Safeguarding Officers
Wherever an Employee of SportsCool Cheshire is concerned that a vulnerable person may be at significant risk or has disclosed that they are being harmed, they may contact the Lead Safeguarding Officer (LSO) for advice and guidance.
The LSO will note the concerns and obtain as much factual information as possible, i.e.:
• Name and address/contact details of the person raising the concern
• Name of person(s) possibly at risk
• Age of person(s) possibly at risk
• Address/contact information of the person(s) possibly at risk
• Nature of the concern.
If the LSO is the direct recipient of the concerns they will apply the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ as set out in SportsCool Cheshire Safeguarding Procedure.
The LSO will assess whether an external referral to the Police, Social Services or Children’s Services needs to take place, or can be addressed via SportsCool Cheshire internal procedures. The LSO may consult with the relevant external agency in order to determine the appropriate steps.
Where a referral is to be made externally, the LSO will report the matter to the Children’s Services or Social Services as appropriate, using the relevant on-line referral form, and/or to the Police. The external agency will conduct its own investigation with regard to its policies and guidelines. Anonymity may not be maintained in reporting.
Where it is determined that a matter should be addressed through SportsCool Cheshire’s internal procedures, the LOSO will:
• In the case of an allegation against an employee, refer to the Human Resource protocol, and, where the allegation falls within the scope of the Policy, implement the Staff Disciplinary Procedure. This may include an assessment as to whether suspension of the Employee is required, without prejudice, pending the outcome of the investigation.
• In the case of an allegation against an individual within a third party business (school, village hall, dance school, etc.) in which SportsCool Cheshire operate, the Employee should refer
all information to the LSO who will communicate with the third party business in order to conduct an assessment that may engage external agency services.
4.1 External Agency Approaches
Any individual within SportsCool Cheshire (for example the person raising the concern or the person who is the subject of a complaint), could be approached by an external agency in the course of their inquiries. It is expected that the individual approached should comply with a request for information or to participate in meetings convened to investigate allegations.
Children’s Services, Social Services or the Police may not inform SportsCool Cheshire if an Employee is subject to legal procedures. If SportsCool Cheshire is informed, appropriate action may be taken by the organization, pending outcomes (e.g. consideration to suspending for example). The Lead Safeguarding Officer must be informed if this information is received by other personnel within SportsCool Cheshire
4.2 Monitoring, Implementing, and Training
Along with the Safeguarding Policy, this Procedure undergoes annual monitoring and evaluation and may change periodically in response to the introduction of new legislation, regulations, or codes of practice or to reflect best practices. The formal review takes place every three years or sooner as required. It is the responsibility of Employees to access updated versions which will be distributed by SportsCool Cheshire through on-line and physical methods. SportsCool
Cheshire will support any staff who feel they require additional training or resources in order that all children are able to access their sessions.
4.3 SportsCool Cheshire policies and underpinning legislation
In addition to complying with the SportsCool Cheshire’s policy and procedure, Employees may be guided by external professional and statutory practices when applying safeguarding measures. Many third parties, awarding bodies for Sport and Coaching related qualifications will deliver safeguarding training in addition to their core qualification. Employees are expected to update their knowledge through such training.
SportsCool Cheshire may recommend, or insist, that Employees attend some safeguarding training sessions held by third-party companies. It is the responsibility of the Franchisee to ensure that this training is attended, this includes any associated expense.
All Safeguarding certificates and qualifications should be kept on file by SportsCool Cheshire; it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that any certificates are submitted. The SportsCool Cheshire management Team may, during an inspection, request to see such paperwork for each member of staff.